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Dental Plaque

  Dental plaque is an invisible film that forms on the surfaces of teeth and gums. It is a complex community of bacteria, saliva, food particles, and other microorganisms that adhere to dental surfaces. Despite its inconspicuous presence, dental plaque plays a significant role in oral health and can lead to various oral diseases if not properly managed. Understanding the formation, composition, and effects of dental plaque is crucial for maintaining optimal oral hygiene and preventing dental issues. This article provides an overview of dental plaque, its impact on oral health, preventive measures, and emerging trends in plaque research. 1. Introduction to Dental Plaque 1.1 What is Dental Plaque? Dental plaque is like a party that no one really wants to attend. It's a sticky, colorless film that forms on your teeth and gum line. But unlike a party, you can't just wash away plaque with a quick shower. Nope, this unwanted guest requires some serious dental hygiene. 1.2 Historical