
Showing posts with the label dietary habits

Dental Caries

 Dental caries, commonly known as tooth decay or cavities, is a multifactorial disease that affects the hard tissues of the teeth . It is caused by the acidic demineralization of the tooth enamel and dentin, primarily due to the fermentation of carbohydrates by certain bacteria present in the mouth. Types of Caries: There are several types of dental caries that can occur, including: 1. Pit and fissure caries: These occur in the grooves and depressions on the biting surfaces of the teeth. 2. Smooth surface caries: These develop on the flat surfaces of the teeth. 3. Root surface caries: As the name suggests, these occur on the exposed roots of the teeth, mostly in adults with receding gums. 4. Recurrent caries: These are new cavities that form around existing fillings or other dental restorations. 5. Early childhood caries: This type affects infants and young children and often involves severe tooth decay in primary teeth. Dietary Habits: Diet plays a significant role in the development